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Goodwill Artemis Institute Bridge to Technology course begins

The Goodwill Artemis Institute offers classes in advanced digital technology, as well as manufacturing certificates and basic digital literacy skills.  Classes are free for most students.  To learn more about the advanced digital technology course, Bridge to Technology click here. 

The Bridge to Technology program is designed to prepare adult learners for an advanced career pathway of their choice within the technology field and other identified future state industries including Robotics, AI/Computer Vision Machine Learning, AR/VR (Artificial Reality/Virtual Reality), 3D Printing, Cybersecurity, and IoT (Internet of Things) and more. Learners will participate in the program over a period of 4 weeks through a combination of online and in-person instruction. Learners will attend the Bridge to Technology program at our AI Learning Lab located in Kansas City, MO. Each learner will attend class with our Goodwill Adult Education Instructor and will also work with an Workforce Development Specialist will work with each learner to implement a Career Development Plan and overcome barriers such as transportation, childcare, etc.

Registration deadline 11/11, courses run 11/13-12/13.

For more information, contact them at 816-842-7425 or check out their website here.

Monday, November 13, 2023
All Day Event
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)

Event Organizer

Elizabeth Freise

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